Proud residents on a Trowbridge housing estate have got together to help clean up a footpath through a park.

Around 40 adults and eight children took part in a three-hour Broadmead Park social event on Saturday, August 31.

The event was organised by Sarah Eyles, a Broadmead resident, who said: “We are just a group of passionate people who want to make a difference.”

The group gathered at Broadmead Park off Lynwood Road and Brook Road, to remove weeds and cut back grass to better define the footpath through it.

Around 40 adults and eight children helped clean-up the path at Broadmead Park on Saturday. Around 40 adults and eight children helped clean-up the path at Broadmead Park on Saturday. (Image: Trevor Porter)

“We have got a lovely estate here at Broadmead and we started these social events to help clean up our green spaces,” Sarah said.

“A lot of people have started making an effort outside their homes, and are helping elderly neighbours to clean up the paths in cul-de-sacs.

“On Saturday, we were defining the park footpath for parents taking their children to school. It also helps to keep the path clear for the winter.

“We are doing what we can to make Broadmead look better.”

The footpath through Broadmead Park following the clean-up on Saturday. The footpath through Broadmead Park following the clean-up on Saturday. (Image: Trevor Porter)

The clean-up was followed by a community social event, giving residents the chance to meet some of their neighbours.