A leading member of a Trowbridge residents group has withdrawn a formal complaint about uncut grass.

Stewart Benford, of the Castle Mead Residents Group, withdrew his complaint about areas being missed following a site meeting with Cllr Mel Jacob on Wednesday, August 21.

He says the areas previously missed have since been mown by the council.

Mr Benford, 53, of Thirsk Drive, said: “The grass has now been cut, so I have withdrawn my complaint.

“I have got better things to do every year than having to chase up grass-cutting issues. It has become really boring.”

Stewart Benford, of Castle Mead Residents Group, has withdrawn his complaint after receiving assurances from Trowbridge Town Council that the grass-cutting issue will be dealt with. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Mr Benford lodged his formal complaint after becoming frustrated with the inadequate response from Trowbridge Town Council officers to his emails about its grass-cutting service on the Castle Mead housing estate.

He wanted them to pay a site visit to see which areas were being missed following a transfer of services from Wiltshire Council last summer.

Both Trowbridge Town Council and the GreenSquare housing group in Chippenham are responsible for cutting grass on the estate.

Mr Benford said there have been no complaints about GreenSquare’s service this summer – only the service provided by the town council.

He added: “ I wouldn’t say that I am happy because the situation did not need to happen.

“Every year for the past nine years we haven’t had one season where we have not had grass-cutting issues."

Cllr Jacob said: “Everything is now fine. The meeting with Stewart went well and he was happy with everything.

“He was concerned that things had not been done in the past and he wanted reassurance that things would not go wrong in the future.

“He has now withdrawn his complaint, so it is not going to go to another level.

“It has all been put right and that is how we need to keep it.”