Two annual events in a Wiltshire village have joined forces for the second time to showcase the work of residents.

The Westwood Church Fete was staged on the same day as the Westwood Flower & Vegetable Show to raise funds for the church, voluntary groups and local organisations.

The two events were held on August Bank Holiday Monday in the grounds of Westwood Manor and in a marquee on the church fields with around 600 visitors attending.

Diana Barlow judges the onions at the Westwood Summer Show. Diana Barlow judges the onions at the Westwood Summer Show. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Event coordinator Wendy Packer said: “We were really pleased with the event. The sun shone and everyone enjoyed themselves.”

Once again, local gardener Kay Crawford from Upper Westwood, swept the board in the fruit and vegetable classes.

She won the Westwood Parish Council Perpetual Trophy for the most points overall in the show.

Kay also won the David Lewis Perpetual Trophy for the most points overall in the fruit and vegetable section, and the Neville Day Perpetual Trophy for the best exhibit in the fruit and vegetable section.

Steward Angela Womersley admires Amanda Bishop’s blaze of colour in the flower arrangement classes.Steward Angela Womersley admires Amanda Bishop’s blaze of colour in the flower arrangement section. (Image: Trevor Porter)

There were 82 classes covering fruit and vegetables, flower, cookery, flower arrangements, novelty classes, preserves, art and crafts, photography, and home brewing.

She said: “The Westwood Summer Show was a really good event. We had more stalls there this year than normal.

“It has just got a nice feel about it now but it is hard work and we are always looking for some more volunteers.”

In the children’s section, there was a four-way tie for the Overall Winners Cup between Elspeth Snook and her sister Clementine, Jasper Hamblin and Lenny Green.

Judge Peter Millican checks the clarity of the flavoured gin in the home brewing classes.Judge Peter Millican checks the clarity of the flavoured gin in the home brewing classes. (Image: Trevor Porter)

John Philpott, from the New Inn, hosted another cookery challenge with contestants this year being encouraged to produce a sweet or savoury flambe dish.

Visitors were entertained by the City of Bath Brass Band in the churchyard of St Mary the Virgin and were able to enjoy food and refreshments in the Parish Rooms.

Dot Williams with an unusual item on the Bric-a-Brac stall at the Westwood Summer Show.Dot Williams with an unusual item on the Bric-a-Brac stall at the Westwood Summer Show. (Image: Trevor Porter)

The stalls included bric-a-brac, plants, books, cakes, as well as the traditional tombola and a raffle.

Visitors were also able to play skittles, throw balls at coconuts, splat a rat, and distinguish between bottles of wine and water.

Teas, coffees, homemade cakes and other treats were on offer, as well as ice creams and a barbecue.