A group of people in Trowbridge are calling for more volunteers to help form a residents’ forum to represent their concerns and views.

They say they want to seek out and represent local concerns and help the town council to create a stronger, more vibrant, community.

In a post on social media, an anonymous person said: “Are you passionate about making a difference in Trowbridge?

“Do you want to be a voice for your community and help shape the future?

“A few of us are looking at the possibility of forming a Trowbridge Residents’ Forum—a group dedicated to be proactive in seeking and representing the views and concerns of local residents.

“Whether you’re interested in improving local services, addressing community issues, or simply want to have your say in town matters, this could be a chance to get involved.

“For a long time now it feels like the town council hasn’t been interested in asking for feedback from residents.

“This forum is an opportunity to change that by giving everyone a chance to share their thoughts and make sure residents’ voices are heard.

“If you’re interested in being part of this new initiative, please comment. All backgrounds and perspectives will be welcome as the forum should reflect the diversity of Trowbridge!

“Let’s work together to help the town council create a stronger, more vibrant community.”

The Wiltshire Times has reached out to the anonymous person who posted the message and is waiting for a response.

Responding to the post, Cllr Mel Jacob said: “I’m a councillor and always keen to hear views of residents - really sorry you feel that council doesn’t do this.

“Would be interested in talking to you about this idea and how to get your voice heard.”