A Wiltshire councillor has contacted National Highways to express his frustration over management of A36 works at Limpley Stoke with drivers 'blindly following' sat navs through the narrow village roads.

He says drivers “blindly following” their sat navs are attempting to use alternative routes through the village only a few days after works started to repair the A36 Warminster Road near Limpley Stoke.

The road has been closed between Limpley Stoke and Monkton Coombe from Monday, August 12 to spring 2025 for repairs and stabilisation to take place.

Bradford on Avon has seen an increase in traffic with the main A36 closed between Limpley Stoke and Monkton CombeBradford on Avon has seen an increase in traffic with the main A36 closed between Limpley Stoke and Monkton Combe (Image: Trevor Porter)

Diversions have been put in place for both northbound and southbound traffic but many drivers are following their sat navs through Limpley Stoke to Bradford on Avon and out again to pick up the A36 at its junctions with the A366 and A361.

Cllr Johnny Kidney, the Wiltshire Council ward member for Winsley and Westwood, says traffic that would have used the A36 from Warminster to Bath is now coming through Limpley Stoke to avoid roadworks.

The cracks in the verge alongside the A36 Warminster Road at Limpley Stoke. Repairs will take months to complete.The cracks in the verge alongside the A36 Warminster Road at Limpley Stoke. Repairs will take months to complete. (Image: National Highways)

He said: “The problem is that drivers are blindly following their sat navs and the road works are not being marshalled.

“I am extremely frustrated at the ongoing poor management of the A36 closure by National Highways, the central government agency responsible for the A36 works and for managing the closure and diversionary routes.

“I had warned them that sat nav would cause massive problems for Limpley Stoke if mitigations were not put in place and it seems that this is exactly what has happened.

“While the works are of course necessary to prevent more serious structural failure of the A36 it is imperative that it is managed properly to minimise the impact on local residents and businesses.

“So far this week we have seen HGVs attempt to navigate the narrow lanes, as well as huge and unsustainable levels of traffic.

“This in turn has caused local buses to have to reroute, depriving residents of these important services.

“I have been in contact with the network manager at National Highways to tell them that they to get on top of this situation as a matter of urgency.

“It would also be hugely helpful if residents who are being impacted could contact National Highways directly.”

The National Highways map showing the A36 road closure and signposted diversions,The National Highways map showing the A36 road closure and signposted diversions, (Image: National Highways)

Hugh Campbell, senior project manager for National Highways, said: “Safety is our number one priority and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but need to fix the root of the problem to ensure it doesn’t happen again and that motorists and pedestrians remain safe at all times.

“We understand that road closures are frustrating, but by fully closing the road, we can get this scheme done safely and quickly, causing less disruption overall. Once it's all complete, these improvements will benefit road users and the local community for many years to come.”

A spokesperson for National Highways said they have “done everything we can” to minimise disruption and have installed advanced signage as far back as the M4, Hicks Gate Roundabout in Keynsham, and Beckington Roundabout in Frome.

“We also have marshals in place at both the northbound and southbound closure points to assist with residents and traffic management,” he said.

But he said the agency cannot control Google Maps and sat navs which divert drivers down alternative routes through Bradford on Avon and Limpley Stoke to avoid the roadworks.

The D1 service is not affected as it goes through Winsley. The D1X service from Trowbridge to Bath is using the A363 through Sally in the Woods.

The D2 service from Frome to Bath is not affected by the A36 road closure as it goes through Norton Saint Philip and Hinton Charterhouse but the D2X is affected as it’s the direct and faster service as it uses the A36, this route is now cancelled.