A housing development set to be constructed outside Trowbridge has moved a step closer to completion after Wiltshire Council has approved the design and layout of the homes.

The 26 new dwellings, planned for the land north of St George's Road in Semington, have been on the cards since the outline application was approved under appeal in 2021.

Now, the reserved matters application has been given the go-ahead by the council.

The proposed layout for the development.The proposed layout for the development. (Image: GreenSquareAccord)

The GreenSquareAccord proposal is set to be an affordable development, 16 of the homes being of affordable rent and 10 being shared ownership units.  

The plans reveal that a range of house types is proposed including bungalows, terraced properties, semidetached dwellings and detached dwellings.

They show the main access from St Georges Road branching into cul-de-sac style streets.

The application states: “The dwellings are of fairly typical modern design.

“With regards materials for the dwellings, recon stone in a buff colour is proposed on the majority of dwellings with some facing brickwork (colour sunset red) proposed at intervals to provide a visual break from the stone and add variation and interest to the streetscene.”

According to the proposal, the WWII pillbox will be preserved and used as a bat roost.