More than 100 people have so far signed a petition in Bradford on Avon for people who support the temporary one-way system that was in place during the Covid pandemic to register their views.

The petition calls for a one-way system on Silver Street and Market Street which has been excluded from the three options put forward by Bradford on Avon Town Council and Wiltshire Council.

It was launched by resident Annabelle Sanderson, who feels that traffic volume, congestion and air pollution are the ‘number 1,2 and 3’ issues facing the town.

The town council has called for ‘final views’ from residents by Monday, September 16 before meeting on Tuesday, September 24 to choose an option.

Annabelle’s petition says: “A town like Bradford on Avon should be welcoming for residents and visitors alike.

“Sadly, because of the traffic problems caused by the very nature of our history, the town has a reputation for long delays and frustrating journeys.

“BoA's roads were designed long before cars, so like many historic towns we suffer from tight squeezes. 

“But unlike other towns and villages, the roads running through our town is a main traffic artery meaning as well as cars we also get commercial vehicles and HGVs which can barely fit through as it is - let alone with two-way traffic.

“And with cars growing in size this problem is only going to get worse. That is why we need a one-way system which works. 

“During Covid we saw how a one-way system which removed two-way traffic from Market Street and Silver Street removed the congestion. 

“As residents and local business owners, we need the option of supporting a return to that system.”

More than 400 people who responded to consultation in May said they wanted a traffic scheme more like the one-way system in place during the pandemic.

Wiltshire Council’s highways consultants AtkinsRealis came up with three options to improve safety and pollution levels and reduce traffic volume.

  • Option A - creating a one-way system in Market Street and Silver Street.
  • Option B - installing road narrowing 'pinch points' , two in Market Street and one in Silver Street.
  • Option C - making Silver Street one-way combined with priority narrowing in Market Street.

The survey's first results showed that 58 per cent of those who responded believed that Option C was unsuitable for the town.

A spokesperson for the town council said: "We’re aware of the petition about a one-way system in Bradford on Avon.

“We’ve invited residents to share their final thoughts on traffic in the town ahead of the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 24 September. Our online form so people can do this is open until 16 September.

“At the Full Council meeting in September, councillors will discuss their requirements and ambitions for the town’s traffic scheme – taking residents’ views into account.

“The results will then be sent to Wiltshire Council for detailed design work."

 To sign the petition, visit

To comment before the meeting on September 24, visit