Electric vehicles were lined up outside Trowbridge County Hall for a climate and environment showcase hosted by Wiltshire Council.

The event was held on Wednesday, August 7, and the county hall was decked out with stands for various climate projects taking place across the county.

This included schemes such as Solar Together, a group buying solar technology opportunity, and the Home Upgrade Grant, which provides support for eligible off-gas households.

Experts were available to speak to residents about sustainability projects.Experts were available to speak to residents about sustainability projects. (Image: Jessica Moriarty)

Stacy Sheppard, who was part of the team behind the showcase, described it as “good opportunity” for people to find out more.

She said: “I’ve had some great conversations. People have come out saying that they’ve found what they’ve needed and it has given them food for thought as well.”

The event was open to all Wiltshire residents.The event was open to all Wiltshire residents. (Image: Jessica Moriarty)

Bill Jarvis, from the Wiltshire Climate Alliance, said it was an “absolutely brilliant networking day”.

He spoke to attendees about issues such as accessibility of affordable EV charging.

Nevertheless, he was disappointed by the number of residents in attendance.

Mr Jarvis said: “That’s always our problem. We try very hard. How do you break that barrier? I don’t know.

“Maybe, god forbid, we’ll get 40-degree temperatures, and people will think - this is a bit hot.”