A row has erupted over an “unacceptably” overgrown hedge causing issues for residents beside a busy Wiltshire A-road.

A Facebook post highlighting the fact the hedge had begun blocking a pathway along the A420, near Bumpers Farm Roundabout in Chippenham, sparked debate amongst residents.

Many feel that the overgrowth has made the path unusable, particularly for people with mobility issues.

Concerns over the bramble-filled hedge, which was due to be trimmed within a “couple of days” at the time of writing, were raised by Harrison Kershaw on Monday, August 5.

He said: “Do you think this pathway is acceptable? This was reported over a month ago.

“Some people from the council turned up to cut the grass but did not act upon the request to cut back the hedges. The report is still in a pending stage.

“The hedges are obstructing the path with brambles and people now have to walk on the grass which can prove difficult for people who suffer with mobility issues.”

READ MORE: Runners fume as long grass makes Chippenham footpath 'impassable'

The overgrown hedge off the A420 in ChippenhamThe overgrown hedge off the A420 in Chippenham (Image: Newsquest)

The post received dozens of reactions and hundreds of comments as people criticised the lengthy wait for the hedge to be trimmed this summer.

Many people took aim at Chippenham Town Council and Wiltshire Council over the issue but neither owns the property.

While Wiltshire Council has a responsibility to maintain highways around the county, it says it has delegated this matter to the town council and cannot comment further.

The path remained obstructed as of the morning of Tuesday, August 6, but the town council confirmed the overgrowth would be cut back within days.

A spokesperson added: “Neither Wiltshire Council nor Chippenham Town Council owns this property.

“Wiltshire Council has the statutory powers to maintain highways and we are liaising with them regarding this area.

“In the interim, we will do a safety cut to ensure the pathway is accessible.”

The overgrown hedge off the A420 in ChippenhamThe overgrown hedge off the A420 in Chippenham (Image: Newsquest)

Multiple residents shared their experiences of trying to navigate the path in recent weeks.

Ayla Exton said: “This pathway does my head in, my little girl is always getting hit in the face from the stinging nettles and brambles overgrowing onto the footpath.

“Same issue down behind Little Battens Park and near Lordsmead.”

A resident under the name Dommett John Peter added: “This is shocking my mum went past (and a) bramble caught her leg and burst a vein.”

The apparent confusion over who is responsible for maintaining the hedge has led to it regularly becoming overgrown in recent summers.

Last year Cllr Nic Puntis cut the hedge himself following complaints from residents.