The sound of pre-historic dinosaurs boomed out over Trowbridge town park on Sunday, July 28 as outdoor cinema-goers watched a screening of the Jurassic Park movie.

Steven Spielberg’s 1993 sci-fi adventure film starring Richard Attenborough, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern and Sam Neill was one of three Hollywood blockbusters screened at a pop-up outdoor cinema.

Other popular films screened during the afternoon event included children’s Disney musical favourite Frozen from 2013, and the 2017 musical The Greatest Showman starring Hugh Jackman as P T Barnum, Zac Efron, Zendaya, Michelle Williams and Rebecca Ferguson.

Film-goers enjoy the open air and the chance to watch the Sunday afternoon showing of the Jurassic Park movie. Trevor Porter 77255-2Film-goers enjoy the open air and the chance to watch the Sunday afternoon showing of the Jurassic Park movie. (Image: Trevor Porter)

But plans for a music and food ‘feastival’ on the Saturday were cancelled some weeks ago because of competition from Trowbridge Town Council's Midsummer Festival event in June.

Event organiser Rafika Boutarfas, of Veva Events, said she couldn’t compete with Trowbridge Town Council’s Midsummer Festival in June. Trevor Porter 77255-3Event organiser Rafika Boutarfas, of Veva Events, said she couldn’t compete with Trowbridge Town Council’s Midsummer Festival in June. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Event organiser Rafika Boutarfas said: “The food Feastival was cancelled a while ago as we couldn’t compete with the town council hosting a food festival a month before our scheduled date.

“The council do not need a return on an event where as I do as a small business.

“The outdoor cinema took place on Sunday and the event was successful. We had approximately 500 people throughout the day who watched the movies.”