Several waste bins in Warminster have reportedly been destroyed by fire. 

The bins were allegedly set alight at the Three Horseshoes Walk shopping centre in Warminster.

A spokesperson for the centre said: “The bins in Three Horseshoes Walk have been torched. This just makes me so sad.

"I went through the town with the bunting up and the scaffolding down, signs all being maintained nicely and thought Warminster is really nice.

“This is our town, our community and the majority should not have to put up with the actions of the few who are utterly selfish and have no respect.”

These dustbins have been destroyed after being set alight at the Three Horseshoes shopping mall in Warminster. Trevor Porter 77259-2The bins that were reportedly set alight (Image: Trevor Porter)

Meanwhile, Wiltshire Police are urging parents and carers to keep in touch with their children following a rise in antisocial behaviour.

In a post on their social media, police said: “With the schools now broken up for the summer, we are asking parents and carers; do you know where your kids are?

“Our demand relating to anti-social behaviour increases significantly over the summer months, with the age range of those involved being between 10 and 18-years-old.

“We completely understand that young people want to enjoy their summer, and we fully support them doing so.

“However, over the last week we have already seen our demand move towards reports of theft, assaults, foul language, littering, smoking and drinking alcohol, and large groups intimidating local communities – all those involved have been young people.

“We are calling on all parents and carers to be aware of where their kids are and who they are hanging around with.

“We would encourage anyone who witnesses any anti-social behaviour to stop and talk to those involved.

“Some groups might not realise the impact they are having on the community. We need everyone’s help in tackling this type of behaviour.

“You can report any concerns to us via 101 at the time of the incident, or 999 in an emergency.

“If possible, please provide names of those involved and what they are wearing. It is vital we all work together to look after our communities.”

Wiltshire Police has been contacted about this specific incident.