The managers of a historic Trowbridge pub are planning to change its name to give it a new lease of life and overcome the stigma of its previously poor reputation.

Ben and Tom Morgan, of the BeeTees group, want to change the name of The Courthouse in Castle Street to the Moody Goose.

Tom said: “We asked for the name to be changed to get rid of all the bad stigma. It has been a red stain on their portfolio for the last eight years.

“For us, it’s about giving the pub a fresh start and a fresh lease of life. We have got some big plans for it.”

The Courthouse pub in Castle Street may have its name changed to the Moody Goose.Trevor Porter 77247-1The Courthouse pub in Castle Street may have its name changed to the Moody Goose. (Image: Trevor Porter)

The pub has been known as The Courthouse since the 1970s but previous names have included The Sun, Dickens and Ye Old Farmhouse.

Its owner, Star Pubs and Bars, has applied to Wiltshire Council to make changes to the outside of the building, which is a Grade II listed property.

The company wants to install new fascia signage, a freestanding A board, and a new projected hanging sign to replace the existing signage.

The proposed design for the new Moody Goose signage.The proposed design for the new Moody Goose signage. (Image: Stars Pubs and Bars)

Trowbridge Town Council has no objection to the application but town council leader, Stewart Palmen, said: “The Courthouse did have a real bad reputation of being a bit of a dive and staying open very late and having a good punch-up there.

“There is the historic significance of The Courthouse and Trowbridge was famous for several different courts. That is one reason why it became the county town.”

The hanging sign at The Courthouse could be replaced in the autumn. Trevor Porter 77247-2The hanging sign at The Courthouse could be replaced in the autumn. (Image: Trevor Porter)

The landmark building is one of the oldest pubs in Trowbridge and sits on two of the town’s principal thoroughfares, Castle Street and Fore Street.

The Courthouse was previously refurbished in 2016 and retained its traditional character before coming under new management in February this year.

Up to £100,000 of investment is going into refurbishing and modernising the pub as well as staff accommodation in the residential flat above.

Tom and Ben have already booked live music groups for Friday and Saturday evenings and have plans to bring back its pool and darts teams.

Tom said: “We will be issuing sign-up sheets for the darts team in August and a pool team in September and hope to get into the local leagues.”

Their company already runs BeeTees Café at County Hall, the BeeTees Café and Bar in Market Street, the Wiltshire Yeoman in Chilmark Road, Trowbridge, and the Canal Tavern in Frome Road, Bradford on Avon.