Residents fear plans for 230 homes, a pub, and a takeaway on the outskirts of a Wiltshire town will cause congestion and stretch infrastructure.

Outline approval was granted on appeal for the major development at land on the northern edge of Chippenham, east of Barrow Farm at Langley Burrell, last May.

Since then, Barratt and David Wilson Homes has submitted a reserved matters application for details of the residential portion of the project.

The commercial aspects of the development will be dealt with under a separate reserved matters application.

Some residents living in the nearby housing estate off the B4069 have raised concerns additional homes will cause issues with congestion.

READ MORE: Latest on plans for 230 homes, pub and takeaway on edge of Wiltshire town

a CGI of the proposed developmenta CGI of the proposed development (Image: Barratt and David Wilson Homes)

One anonymous neighbour said: “I have mixed opinions on it, it will definitely be more crowded and that will mean more noise but we’re young so that wouldn’t be an issue for us.

“My concern would be congestion in the area, they promised a shop for this development but we haven’t seen it yet, so most people use B&M or Aldi.

“Everyone in the new homes would probably use those too so congestion getting to the shops could be really bad.”

Other residents said they did not hold any strong opposition against homes at the site.

But many social media users voiced concerns about a lack of infrastructure in the area to deal with an influx of people.

In particular, some were frustrated the approved outline plans, put forward by Robert Hitchins Ltd, included a pub and takeaway rather than education or healthcare facilities.

The site of the proposed development in ChippenhamThe site of the proposed development in Chippenham (Image: Newsquest)

Speaking on Facebook, Matty Cole said: “I grew up right behind where they are planning to build… everybody in Langley Burrell has opposed the builds for years.

“What need is there for another pub and takeaway?

“We need more infrastructure to go along with the houses, the people that come with the houses.

“Currently, at that end of town, there is one primary school, two secondary schools and we have only two doctor surgeries for the whole of the Chippenham area. It’s not enough.”

Sandra Smith added: “Ridiculous, where is the infrastructure to support this large development?

“A school, GP surgery, decent road, not to mention we only have Swindon or Bath hospitals which are stretched already.”

A Barratt spokesperson said: “The development at Barrow Farm received planning permission from Wiltshire Council in May 2023.

"The planning committee made their decision based on a range of factors including suitability, sustainability, local traffic impacts, visual impacts, heritage, and biodiversity.

"Our development will feature 230 sustainable and energy-efficient homes, with 40 per cent being affordable.

"Together with new open spaces for people to enjoy, play areas for children and improvements to the highways network it will significantly help young people and families struggling to enter the housing market in Chippenham.”