A man who admits assaulting a mum in their bedroom has a warrant out for his arrest after he failed to show up in court.

Johsua Daffurn, 29, pushed his on-off-partner onto the bed as she called out for her daughter’s help.

He pleaded guilty to assault on April 25 at Swindon Magistrates' Court but has failed to appear at the same court for his sentencing on Monday, July 22.

The court heard at a hearing in January that on January 28 the couple had been out drinking.

An argument with his on-off partner became physical and once in the bedroom the partner tried to get up but Daffurn pushed her back onto the bed.(Image: Wiltshire Police)

Keith Ballinger, prosecuting, said: “She then screamed out for her daughter to come and help her.”

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Daffurn, of Towpath Road, Trowbridge, cannot remember what they argued about and accepts that he pushed her.

Defending, Ms Hillier said he accepts he has a drinking problem, and suffers from depression and anxiety.

She said:  “He wants to focus on himself and get off the alcohol.”

Wiltshire Police have confirmed that Joshua Daffurn is wanted on warrant after failing to appear in court.