A housing developer has finally revealed its plans to build 160 homes at an old golf course site in Wiltshire after months of concern from nearby residents.

The mayor of Bradford on Avon is seeking “urgent clarification” from Wiltshire Council about the status of the town’s former golf course after it was revealed that a housing developer wants to build up to 160 new homes on the site.

Cllr Jack Vittles has written to Wiltshire Council leader Cllr Richard Clewer, asking for a ‘face-to-face’ meeting after being shocked to learn that Cala Homes has an option to purchase the land for housing development.

The site is earmarked on the ‘reserve list’ for housing development in the Wiltshire Local Plan but there is strong opposition from locals to any housing development on the land.

Campaigners who staged a recent protest would prefer to see the site, which was once used as the town’s waste tip, remain a wildlife habitat.

Bradford on Avon campaigners say the golf course should remain a wildlife habitat. Trevor Porter 77203-4Bradford on Avon campaigners say the golf course should remain a wildlife habitat. Trevor Porter 77203-4 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Cllr Vittles told Cllr Clewer, “Following a recent fact-finding meeting with developers Cala Homes, I am seeking urgent clarification on the current status of the site.

“At the meeting, the town council was alarmed to note the apparent progression Cala Homes have made with the site and that also discussions with Wiltshire Council appear to have been taking place for some time.

“Bradford on Avon Town Council has made clear our continued opposition to development on this site. Our response to the draft local plan set out our reasoning as to why this site should be removed from the reserve list.

“As I'm sure you appreciate, residents and the town council are eager to learn what discussions have taken place between Wiltshire Council and Cala Homes. Given the strength of feelings about this site within the town, it is in everyone's interest that all details are made public urgently.”

Some of the drilling contractor's vehicles were seen on the land in April.Some of the drilling contractor's vehicles were seen on the land in April. (Image: Bradford on Avon Town Council)

Cala Homes is undertaking drilling investigations to find out if the 44-acre site is viable for development.

The developer has an option to purchase the land if planning permission is granted.

The company’s proposed development includes around 160 new homes and a country park on what is already green belt land which locals would prefer to remain as wildlife habitat.

Cllr Vittles added: “We firmly reiterated our opposition to any development on the old golf course, emphasising the importance of preserving this vital green space.

“Cala Homes said the entire site will be fenced off in the coming weeks, with a pre-planning application to follow.”

The council’s petition against development on the site is still active, with more than 1,300 signatures so far.