A driver who was found eating breakfast with both hands off the wheel has been caught by Wiltshire Police.

Officers from Wiltshire Police's Road Policing Unit were out patrolling the county's roads on Wednesday morning (July 17), when they pulled over the driver of a white van for 'not being in control'.

According to the police unit, the driver had both hands off the wheel and when questioned by police officers they said they had been 'eating breakfast'.

The driver, who has not been named, has now been issued a TOR (Traffic Offence Report) for multiple offences including dangerous driving, and is due to appear in court.

"Stopped for having both hands off the wheel, apparently eating their breakfast has earned this driver a TOR for 'not being in control', as well as 'ply exposed' on closer inspection of the van," said a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

"Multiple offences mean this driver is off to court."

The driver was discovered as part of Project Zero, a Wiltshire Police campaign which takes place every Wednesday across the county and sees the force crackdown on five major contributors to deaths on the roads.

These major contributors are known as the 'fatal five' and include speeding, drink/drug driving, driving while using a mobile phone, not wearing a seatbelt and careless/dangerous driving.