Plans for parking restrictions on a “nightmare” residential street have been given a boost.

At a Chippenham Town Council planning committee meeting, members backed plans to prevent drivers blocking the entrance to Queenfield Court, off Park Fields.

The issue has become a source of frustration for residents living in the busy street, where there is high demand for parking spaces.

One resident, who has not been named, submitted a highway improvement request suggesting Wiltshire Council introduces double yellow lines outside the accommodation, after their access was blocked on multiple occasions.

READ MORE: Residents trapped in driveways by 'dangerous' parking push for restrictions

A car parked across the drive to Queenfield CourtA car parked across the drive to Queenfield Court (Image: Public contribution)

In the request, they said: “Access to Queenfield Court (is) continuously blocked or difficult to access due to overhanging cars on drop pavement.

“Sometimes, my partner and myself have been unable to exit Queenfield Court to go to work, or enter when returning from work.

“My partner has also had abuse when asking people to move or not park there.”

Town councillors moved to put the request forward to the Local Highways and Footpaths Group, which will be responsible for approving any changes.

But committee members warned it was unlikely that double yellow lines would be the chosen solution.

Cllr Matthew Short said: “I support the application… I think LHFIG will say that, rather than double yellow lines, they might go for a white T-bar or something.

“I think with the white T-bars they just include them in the line markings, it’s a simple thing to help the residents, I think it’s a worthwhile one.”

Cllr David Poole labelled parking on the road a “nightmare”, and indicated he would support an alternative solution.

He added: “There is a law against obstruction that stops people gaining access to their drives, I think double yellow lines would be the wrong solution here.

“The whole of Park Fields is a problem with parking, as we know, I have various friends who live along Park Fields and parking is an absolute nightmare.

A parked van blocking access to Queenfield CourtA parked van blocking access to Queenfield Court (Image: Public contribution)

“But I think double yellow lines to stop people parking over an entrance is a bit over the top, and I think the white type of T-bar to stop it may be a solution.”

This was echoed by Cllr Robert Giles, who did not object to the request but warned double yellow lines would cause issues if added on both sides of the street.

He said: “This is a very difficult area for parking and certain residents will be upset.

“They’ll have to park in another street if it’s too restrictive so there is a problem of overkill here.”