An allotment association has celebrated yet another successful open day with some special visitors.

Swarms of bees were among those that attended the Gloucester Road Allotment Association open day on Saturday, July 6, at Gladstone Road in Trowbridge.

Allotment bee keeper Debra Jones kept the bees well under control as she showed visitors how to expertly collect them.

The open day was attended by councillors from Trowbridge and offered fun for all the family, with a tombola, barbeque, cream tea, cakes and a garden sale.

"The aim, apart from raising as many funds as we can to support the Association, is to invite those who might be interested in having an allotment and give them the chance to come and see what's involved and ask questions," said a spokesperson for the Allotment Association.

"To be fair, having an allotment is not a 30-minute-a-week job. The plots need ongoing tending every week to make sure they are kept up to scratch.

"But we don't want anyone to feel put off. If you feel you can do it - sign up for our waiting list."