The former library in central Melksham will be demolished after reports of “significant” antisocial behaviour.

The building is owned by Wiltshire Council and has been broken into several times since it became vacant, with issues including vandals starting fires and spraying graffiti.

It has been described by the council as “a safety hazard” to the public.

The old library is located on the Lowbourne road.The old library is located on the Lowbourne road. (Image: Google)

An application to see it demolished has now been approved.

This means that the former library, adjacent clinic building (most recently used as a Chinese restaurant), and wooden “education centre” will soon be taken down.

The plans suggested this would make way for affordable, independent living apartments for older people and prevent the “dangerous” antisocial behaviour.

The application stated: “We are seeking permission to demolish these buildings, ahead of the development because we have become aware of significant anti-social behaviour on the site, including illegal entry into the buildings which have been secured, people climbing on the roofs, graffiti and signs of other anti-social behaviour on the site.

“A security company has been hired to discourage this activity, but only the demolition of the buildings, and securing of the site, will prevent this dangerous behaviour.”

Should planning permission for the residential apartments be granted, a third building, Lowbourne House, would also need to be demolished.