Police in Trowbridge have begun to clamp down on drivers who are illegally parking their vehicles in the Fore Street pedestrian zone.

Vehicles, including cars and motorcycles, are banned from entering the zone at any time and cyclists must dismount when passing through it.

Some drivers have been seen parking in the zone, particularly in the evening and at weekends in contravention of the restriction.

Now police have been seen cracking down by ticketing vehicles following complaints by Trowbridge town councillors and residents.

READ MORE: Council to crack down on illegal parking in pedestrian zone

Cars parking their vehicles in Fore Street, Trowbridge (Image: Trevor Porter)

Commenting on social media, one resident said: “I've just walked through town and seen a police officer booking cars parked in Fore Street by Savers and Smiths. Well done.”

Some residents are querying where people who live in the residential flats above the Fore Street shops are supposed to park.

Sgt Charly Chilton, of Trowbridge Police, said: "We know that there are a small number of people who park illegally on Wicker Hill and on Fore Street.

"Officers are supporting Wiltshire Council by asking those drivers to move their vehicles during the period of no parking restrictions and repeat offenders will be photographed and passed on to the council to take further action."