Plans have been revealed for a controversial 150-home development bordering one of Wiltshire’s busiest A-roads.

Developer Origin3 has lodged designs for an extensive residential scheme north of the A4 Bath Road on the edge of Corsham, on behalf of applicant GTBE LLP.

This outline planning application comes after the firm unveiled initial plans to redevelop the land in March.

The proposal would see 150 homes constructed on the 10-hectare site, currently in use as agricultural land, alongside a 1550sq metre mixed-use hub.

This would include an employment building for flexible office use, public open spaces, and play areas.

A four-arm roundabout would also be built on the A4 to serve the estate, near the junction with Bradford Road, as well as two additional bus stops on the route.

READ MORE: Wiltshire residents petition against new homes off the A4

Plans for new homes off the A4 in WiltshirePlans for new homes off the A4 in Wiltshire (Image: Origin3)

Wiltshire Council is now running a public consultation on the designs, which ends on July 18, ahead of making a decision.

In its design and access statement, a spokesperson for Origin3 says the proposal would create around 45 affordable homes while ensuring the housing integrates into the current site.

They said: “The Vision for the land north of Bath Road is to deliver a flourishing, distinctive, and residential led extension to North Corsham, where future and existing residents will be proud to live and work in a place where the outstanding natural environment contributes to the quality of life and well-being.”

But the development has proved controversial amongst residents, who launched a petition against the scheme in March.

At the time, hundreds raised concerns about the impact of a housing development on the Bath Stone Mine, which sits beneath the site, as well as increased traffic and the loss of green space in the area.

Jennifer Newman, who started the petition, said: “This not only destroys the green space leading into Corsham, a historic setting, but raises many other issues.”

Plans for new homes off the A4 in WiltshirePlans for new homes off the A4 in Wiltshire (Image: Origin3)

Planning permission for the redevelopment of the site was granted seven years ago but lapsed over issues relating to the mine.

Origin3 insists the site is in an ideal location for development.

A spokesperson added: “The unique position of the site provides an opportunity to create a fully sustainable development.

“Corsham is well placed to grow with established public transport links, existing road infrastructure, a good range of established local facilities including employment, town centre, education provision and a rich heritage history that makes it attractive to visitors and residents.

“Wiltshire Council recognises the town is a good location for new homes, which will help to sustain and enhance services and facilities.”