Police are looking into how to crackdown on anti-social behaviour at the bottom of Wicker Hill in Trowbridge.

They plan to conduct patrols of Wicker Hill and Trowbridge town centre targeting those drinking alcohol in a public place and associated nuisance behaviour.

The move follows concerns voiced by people passing by the benches close to the town bridge over the River Biss between Stallard Street and Wicker Hill.

One resident posted a message on social media, saying: “Has anyone else noticed that since Wicker Hill has been shut, the anti-social behaviour is getting worse and worse?

“I know they’re trying to improve the town but surely sorting out the anti-social behaviour first would be beneficial?

“Or even a higher police presence at the bottom Wicker Hill? It’s becoming quite frightening walking on Stallard Street/ Wicker Hill.”

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On Wednesday evening, June 26 several police vehicles were seen at the scene.

It is understood that Trowbridge Chamber of Commerce has also expressed concerns that the anti-social behaviour along a key route into the centre is affecting the town’s image.

Trowbridge Town Council leader, Stewart Palmen said: “As the weather has improved people have gathered more frequently at the bottom of Wicker Hill to drink and chat and this has caused an increase in anti-social behaviour.

“The police are aware of this and are working with the businesses, the town council and street wardens etc, to address this.

“Removing benches would only move the issues to another part of town and I would not advocate this.”

Trowbridge Police have previously cleared people indulging in anti-social behaviour from the main shopping area in Fore Street and also in Roundstone Street.

They continue to monitor anti-social behaviour in the town park and the areas close to St James' Church, Church Street and Union Street.

Sgt Charly Chilton, of the Trowbridge Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “We are aware of reports of anti-social behaviour and disorder at the bottom of Wicker Hill.

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“I am working with Trowbridge Town Council and other partner agencies to look at long-term solutions to the issues.

“On June 2 a Section 35 Dispersal Order was authorised, which gives officers extra powers to break up groups of two or more people, where they believe their behaviour is causing a nuisance, harassment or distress."

Sgt Chilton urged people to report suspicious activity to police by calling 101, 999 in an emergency or or online at wiltshire.police.uk.