A heatwave is forecast to hit Wiltshire this week, forecasters say.

This means temperatures of up to 25C - the hottest so far this year for much of the UK.

Things will start to warm up to 23C on Monday and the sun will start to break through on Tuesday when the thermometer will continue to rise to 25C.

On Wednesday, again 25C is forecast but the will be shining - making it the sunniest day of the week.

The Met Office says: "Some central and southern areas are likely to see temperatures approaching the values needed for heatwave conditions. 

“Heatwave conditions need to remain in situ for three consecutive days, and by the beginning to middle of next week it is possible that some parts of the UK could be reaching heatwave thresholds.

“However, whether or not everyone experiences heatwave thresholds, the majority of the UK will experience the highest temperatures so far this year."

(Image: Met Office)

While the Met Office advises temperatures could reach a peak on Wednesday but also around this “things could turn more unsettled”.

This could involve heavy rain, with the most persistent rain likely in the southwest and west.

By next weekend, temperatures are likely to be cooler.