Members of Trowbridge Sea Cadets are planning to row 65 miles to raise funds to celebrate the organisation’s 65th birthday next year.

They will form two teams of 12 to row 65 miles up and down a one-mile stretch of the River Avon in Chippenham on Saturday, June 29.

Their aim is to raise £1,000 to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the organisation’s formation.

Kirsty McPherson, commanding officer of Trowbridge Sea Cadets 491 Unit, said: “We hope to complete the challenge in nine hours on the River Avon, using Trinity Rowing boats.

“100 per cent of the money raised will be used to provide activities and experiences for the Trowbridge Sea Cadets.”

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Some of the Trowbridge Sea Cadets taking part in the 65-mile rowing challenge.Some of the Trowbridge Sea Cadets taking part in the 65-mile rowing challenge. (Image: Trowbridge Sea Cadets)

The unit has 42 sea cadets aged 10-17 who have been practicing their rowing in the run-up to the challenge next weekend.

“We will be using three Trinity Rowing Boats in a relay, going up and down the river, with 12 people rowing at any one time.

“It is a tremendous opportunity for the cadets to row for a longer distance and build up their stamina, as well as demonstrating their commitment to the cause.”

Trowbridge Sea Cadets practice their rowing on the River Avon at Chippenham ahead of their 65-mile challenge on Saturday, June 29.Trowbridge Sea Cadets practice their rowing on the River Avon at Chippenham ahead of their 65-mile challenge on Saturday, June 29. (Image: Trowbridge Sea Cadets)

The sea cadets have already raised more than £690 towards their £1,000 target and will put the money towards the anniversary celebrations in April 2025.

A spokesperson for Trowbridge branch of the Royal British Legion urged members to support the sea cadets' challenge.

He said: “All of our RBL and Poppy Appeal volunteers and supporters will know that our Sea Cadets do a huge amount for us every year.

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“The public love them and donate with enthusiasm when they are at our Poppy stands at the supermarkets. Perhaps now is the time for a little return?”

The sea cadets are planning a parade through Trowbridge town centre with an event afterwards at the Trowbridge Salvation Army Hall in Castle Street.

Kirsty, 38, who has commanded the unit for the past four years, added: “We are looking for members past and present to share their memories and photographs of the past 65 years.

“We’d like to collate them and share our history, as we lost much of our memorabilia when we left our site in Frome Road in 2016.”

Anyone with memories or photographs to share should contact Kirsty at

To sponsor the cadets, visit