Work on a £300,0009 project to revamp the pond in Trowbridge Town Park is moving forward, it has been disclosed.

Trowbridge Town Council has issued an update on its plans to redevelop the pond and the surrounding area as part of a project to improve the River Biss catchment.

The council wants to create a wetland area with the pond as its focus, including Go Wild pathways for people to explore.

The council says: “This is no longer simply a repair of an asset, but a comprehensive project requiring a much more thorough and lengthy process.”

Town council leader Stewart Palmen said: “The town pond is currently dry despite the rain and a route forward is being determined that will enhance the park.

“Estimations for the project with fees and some contingencies are £300,000. A grant for National Lottery funding will be applied for at £250,000.”

The council also intends to apply for a landfill tax grant and Wiltshire Council Trowbridge Area Board funding.

The council has already budgeted up to £20,000 in its capital reserves to start the project, which is likely to take place with help from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.

The pond in Trowbridge town park is now totally overgrown. Trevor Porter 77154-2The pond in Trowbridge town park is now totally overgrown. Trevor Porter 77154-2 (Image: Trevor Porter)

It said: “A meeting with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) to discuss the proposed Wetlands spaces in the Biss Meadows environment, provided an opportunity to review the town pond.

“The Project Manager has now offered to review the original proposal for the town pond enhancement that was presented previously to this committee in March 2022.

“Further meetings have taken place between the council and interested organisations for the enhancement to the town park pond.

“Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, who have been leading this project, will continue to do so with assistance from the council."

The work forms part of the five-year A Better Biss Approach (ABBA) project being implemented by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust to enhance the River Biss in Trowbridge.

Its aim is to improve the River Biss and its tributaries in partnership with local authorities, charities, local businesses and community groups.

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust said: “ABBA will deliver physical restoration of the river to provide natural capital benefits and WFD improvements hand-in-hand with large-scale community and business engagement whilst developing innovative solutions to the historic challenges the river faces through Trowbridge. 

“The project will deliver a programme of events each year, working with local communities and volunteers, to raise awareness of the issues facing the catchment.”