If the Chippenham candidates were expecting an easy ride from local students at a recent hustings, they would have been sorely disappointed.

Those standing to represent Chippenham in the upcoming general election gathered at Sheldon School on Friday, June 14, to answer questions submitted by students.

They were quizzed on tough topics such as immigration, the Israel-Gaza war, and the legalisation of marijuana.

The hustings was attended by Conservative Nic Puntis, Lib Dem Sarah Gibson, Labour candidate Ravi Venkatesh and Green Party candidate Declan Baseley.

Among the audience were some 18-year-old students who will be voting for the first time this year.Among the audience were some 18-year-old students who will be voting for the first time this year. (Image: Jessica Moriarty)

Overall, comments made by Mr Baseley garnered the most cheers from the students, particularly whilst speaking on the urgency of the climate crisis and describing current prime minister Rishi Sunak as “rubbish, shameless and unapologetic.”

Although Mr Venkatesh appeared to avoid answering certain questions directly, he generated some laughter when he asked the audience to follow him on TikTok.

Meanwhile, Mr Puntis also faced a few laughs when he told the students there was “an awful lot to thank Rishi Sunak for” and that national service would give them an opportunity to “experience real life.”

After describing “frustration” at certain affairs in Parliament, he was questioned by Ms Gibson and Mr Venkatesh about whether he was running as an “independent” and about his attendance at a recent Popular Conservatism conference.

Mr Puntis replied: “Politics is relatively new to me, I’m a normal business guy.

“So, being a member of the Conservative Party, I wanted to understand exactly what all factions of the Conservative Party mean.

“One of those is PopCon, so I went to PopCon, I sat and I listened – I agreed with some of the things they were coming out with, and I disagreed with some of the things they were coming out with, but it was very informative.

“It doesn’t mean, at all, to say that I’m a supporter of PopCon.”

When asked about his favourite part of the constituency, Mr Puntis stated: “What do I love about this place? Everything.

“I’ve chosen to stay here for my entire life, and I have no intention of leaving.”

Ms Gibson expressed her enjoyment of the local green spaces and the community’s “wonderful, inclusive, welcoming feeling.”

Mr Baseley said: “There are so many things that I love about where I live and lots of things that I’m enormously proud of for this area.”

When questioned on the topic, all candidates expressed a wish for a ceasefire and peace in Gaza, as well as disappointment at the pollution of local rivers and the “huge fees” facing those wishing to attend university.

All recognised the economic benefit of immigration, though Mr Puntis and Mr Venkatesh expressed more concern over the need for control of the country’s borders.

The students also requested their views on the legalisation of marijuana, which Ms Gibson and Mr Baseley directly supported, whilst Mr Venkatesh and Mr Puntis noted that further research on the topic was required.

Among the audience were young people who will have their political say for the first time this year. 

Not all felt positive about it though; 18-year-old student Esther Woodville described her vote as “wasted” in Chippenham due to the first-past-the-post system, noting that she would have to vote “tactically.”

Fellow student Sadiya Islam, who will also be voting for the first time, said: “I think young people’s votes matter more than anything because we are the future, and I feel like a lot of politicians don’t take that into account, so I think it is definitely important that they come here to show that we do matter."

Headmaster Peter Lynch said: "It's nice for students to see local candidates face to face and hear what they actually have to say about the community in which they live."

The general election will be held on July 4 and the latest prediction on Electoral Calculus suggests a Liberal Democrat victory for Chippenham.