The headteacher of a Trowbridge secondary school says racially motivated abuse will not be tolerated after four boys allegedly attacked a primary school pupil.

Ben Rhodes, head teacher at the John of Gaunt School in Wingfield Road, condemned the attack on an 11-year-old boy from a local primary school yesterday (Thursday, June 13).

A local mother – whose name was not given – described on social media her 'hurt and pain' after discovering that her son had been racially abused on the way to school.

She said: “As I am typing this I don’t know whether to be angry or to just feel the hurt and pain.

“My 11-year-old son was racially attacked and bullied this morning by four boys wearing John of Gaunt uniform. Unfortunately, since he is still in primary school, he doesn't know any of the boys.

“According to my son, these boys always bully and he has been keeping quiet about it. He said he used to ignore them because they would only shout racial comments at him and let him go.

“But today they pushed him around, took from his bag, threw his juice onto the ground and they kept asking him to show them what was in his bag.

“My son is starting Year 7 next year at John of Gaunt and this is where these boys are.

“I always read stories about kids being bullied and racially attacked and some even getting killed and it pains me just to hear such stories so you can imagine the way I’m feeling right now having this done to my son.

“It makes me feel helpless as a parent because we don't even know who these boys are. Let’s speak to our kids about bullying and racism, it has such a big effect on people.”

In response, Mr Rhodes said: “At The John of Gaunt school we do not accept or tolerate any form of racial abuse.  If we are informed of any such incidents we will pursue them and tackle the issue. 

“We are proud of our inclusivity for all our students that is recognised through our various action groups and awards including 'Project Voice' student group, The Inclusivity award and The Rainbow award.  

“We are committed to ensuring that our young people behave in a way that exemplifies our school values of kindness, positivity, and belonging.

“If the original poster contacts us we will do all we can to address the actions that have occurred.”