The search for a site for a new all-weather, floodlit pitch for Trowbridge football and rugby clubs to use continues.

Following the cancellation of the £4.8 million Doric Park project, Trowbridge Town Council is now discussing options to locate the pitch elsewhere in the town.

Potential sites for a community use facility could include the Clarendon Academy School, the John of Gaunt School and the Wiltshire College & University Centre campus in Frome Road.

Councillors will discuss their options at a leisure services committee meeting on Tuesday (June 18). They will be told that town clerk Lance Allan and other officers will set out options to consider.

Sports pitches sub-committee chair Cllr Mel Jacob said: “The main thing is for Trowbridge’s football and rugby communities to get the all-weather pitch they so badly need for training and matches. We have a new sub-committee focused on this quest. 

“Some of the potential sites belong to Wiltshire Council so they will also need to be involved.

“Our aim as a town council is to bring together the councils, the clubs and other relevant people to look for a solution as soon as possible.”  

Cllr Antonio Piazza, a fierce critic of the Doric Park project, and others called for lessons to be learned after the project was cancelled in January due to costs rising from £4.8m to £6.6m, making it financially unviable.

Mr Allan says that a consultant, Richard Grady, Director of Consult QRD Ltd, has been appointed to undertake a review of the project and identify any lessons to be learned.

Mr Allan said Mr Brady has reviewed other similar projects. He hopes to complete his report by the end of June.

In the meantime, the council will investigate valuing the land next to Trowbridge Rugby Club when the next steps are understood as there may be interest from potential purchasers.

The council says it needs to work out short and long-term solutions, while determining whether it has to pay back to Wiltshire Council Section 106 funds contributed by property developments for the community.

The council has also closed its grant application with the Football Foundation, which says it is still willing to work with the council on any future projects for a 3G artificial turf pitch.

Cllr Jacob added: “We remain totally committed to helping our large and active football and rugby communities find a location that meets their needs.”