Plans have moved a step closer to construction for a housing development of up to 55 new homes on land south of Church Lane, on the south western edge of Trowbridge.

The application was one of three controversial proposals in the same area of the town.

The adjacent plans for 50 houses built by Newland Homes behind Spring Meadow were recently approved, whilst the 180 homes on the Southwick Court Fields were refused.

Although outline planning permission had already been approved for these 55 homes south of Church Lane, this decision was subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 legal agreement.

Section 106 agreements are designed to mitigate the impact of new development on the local community and infrastructure.

In this case, the developer was required to provide 30 per cent affordable housing and make financial contributions for education, open space, sports, ecology, highways, waste management, and arts.

Additionally, they must ensure the provision and management of biodiversity and public open spaces.

Wiltshire Council has now been provided with the details of this completed agreement, which means the plans can be moved forward.

The site falls wholly within private ownership and the application was initially submitted by Mrs Judith Parry in 2020, facing 68 letters of objection and a 226-signature petition.