Two high value vehicles have been stolen overnight from driveways in Wiltshire.

A white Mercedes AMG was stolen from Gladstone Road in Melksham and a black Mercedes GLC was stolen from a driveway in Scott Grove, Chippenham in the early hours of Wednesday, June 5.

Both of these vehicles are keyless and the offenders did not gain entry into the addresses to access keys in either incident.

Detective Inspector Darren Ambrose, of the Burglary Team, said: “The slight most important bit of crime prevention advice I could give to anyone who owns a keyless car would be to ensure you have a Faraday pouch where you keep your keys when inside your home – this will block any signals and prevent criminals from making off with your vehicle.”

Enquiries are underway and Wiltshire Police are urging people living in either of the areas who have CCTV or doorbell cameras to get in touch as they may have captured footage which could assist their investigation.

Inspector Pete Foster said: “We have seen a number of similar incidents in the Chippenham area in recent weeks and our neighbourhood officers have been out in targeted areas carrying out enquiries and offering crime prevention advice.

“We’d really like to stress the importance of residents calling us if they see or hear any suspicious activity in their area – we’d rather know about something and it turn out to be completely innocent, than not know at all. So please, get in touch if you suspect criminal activity in your local area.”

Officers are asking people to call 101 and quote log number 35 or 36 or June 5 if they can help.

They have shared the following security tips:

  • Keep spare keys in a safe place and ensure keyless fobs are protected, if rarely used then consider removing the battery from the spare key

  • Think about where you leave your keys at home – the more central the keys are placed, the better, and do not leave them by the front door

  • Consult the vehicle’s manufacturer – speak to them for preventative advice including changing the vehicle’s security and convenience settings

  • Physical equipment locks/aftermarket security devices – steering wheel locks, gear lever locks or a pedal box can deter thieves and make it harder to steal a vehicle

  • Install home CCTV to deter criminals and help the police with any investigations they conduct

  • Store your keyless vehicle inside a garage if there’s space, so it’s hidden from view and has greater protection against thieves

  • Fit bollards or driveway gates to make it more difficult for thieves to steal the vehicle

  • Position non-keyless vehicles on the driveway either in front or behind a keyless vehicle to make it more difficult to steal

  • Ensure you have appropriate insurance cover for any losses in the event your car is stolen. Gap insurance covers the difference between what you paid for the vehicle and its current market value, so it’s easier to replace the vehicle with a similarly specified one if it’s stolen

  • Fit the vehicle with a tracking device to improve the chances of finding it if it’s stolen

  • Do not leave valuables in the car, especially overnight or on show