The Green Party Candidate for East Wiltshire has said the time has come for “real change and real hope”.

Emily Herbert has been announced as the parliamentary candidate for the new constituency of East Wiltshire.

Having grown up on a farm in rural North Devon, Ms Herbert now works in Wiltshire in education, communications and HR.

She said: "I am honoured to have been chosen as the Green Party’s candidate for East Wiltshire.

Wiltshire Times: Ms Herbert is standing in the general election on July 4.

“In recent years, more and more people have realised that far from being just about the environment, the Green Party stands for a way of doing politics totally differently and for pragmatic, proven policies that can transform our country – and that Green politicians are different and can be trusted to have the integrity people expect – unlike the other stale parties.”

The majority of East Wiltshire will be formed by the soon-to-be abolished constituency of Devizes, which has been represented by Conservative MP Danny Kruger since 2019.

The new boundary runs down the eastern edge of the county from Wanborough to just north of Wilton.  

A considerable area north of Salisbury will be transferred to East Wiltshire, including Tilshead, Shrewton and Amesbury.

Ms Herbert believes that the Green party is the change needed for the area.

She said: “It’s clear for everyone to see that our country is in a total mess: politics as usual hasn’t worked - we need a new approach.

“That’s why the Green Party has grown so rapidly – we’ve seen a surge in Green Party politicians elected at all levels over the last couple of years, and we can see the same at this general election.”

She added: “I am well aware of both the benefits and challenges faced by the residents of East Wiltshire, from the heightened impact of the cost of living crisis on isolated communities, to the pressures of the tourist economy and rising house prices in the area.

“I want to make it easier for people to live and work comfortably and sustainably in Wiltshire, with improved public transport and more affordable housing.

“If you agree with me that the time has come for real change and real hope, please vote for me at the General election on July 4th.”