POLICE are investigating burglaries at two Trowbridge businesses over the May Bank Holiday weekend.

A side window next to a door was smashed at the Absolutely Fabulous floristry shop in Church Walk, Trowbridge, and cash and a card machine were stolen.

Just a few doors away, petty cash was also taken in a raid at the Choice Care Ltd office premises in Church Walk.

Wiltshire Times: Forensic police investigate the break-in at Absolutely Fabulous in Church Walk, Trowbridge. Image: Trevor Porter 77089-3Forensic police investigate the break-in at Absolutely Fabulous in Church Walk, Trowbridge. Image: Trevor Porter 77089-3 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Natalie Spillings, 38, the owner of Absolutely Fabulous, said she was "angry and upset" about the raid and the damage caused to her shop, having lost some orders today.

“We think it happened before 5.30am this morning (May 28). Somebody who spotted the smashed window tried to make us aware.

“We had about £25 taken from the till and a card machine was stolen, along with around £14 we had collected in raffle tickets for the Storehouse Foodbank.”

Natalie said: “The police found the burglar had got out by the back door and then got up the drain pipe to climb over the high wall.

“Whoever did it, left the card machine on the flat roof at the rear.”

Petty cash was also stolen in a burglary at the Choice Care offices just a few doors away from the florists.

A spokesperson for Choice Care did not wish to comment. The company offers care support to vulnerable adults and does not wish to alarm them.

Wiltshire Police have been approached for details.

Wiltshire Times: Angry shop owner Duncan Pearce outside Dunks Specialist Model Centre following the burglary on May 7. Image: Trevor Porter 77035-5Angry shop owner Duncan Pearce outside Dunks Specialist Model Centre following the burglary on May 7. Image: Trevor Porter 77035-5 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Read More: Items allegedly stolen from Dunks Specialist Model Shop in Trowbridge

The incidents come only three weeks after a burglary at Dunk’s Specialist Model Centre in Church Walk.

Model centre owner Duncan Pearce, 62, lost £1,125-worth of stock when his shop was raided on May 7 although some items were later recovered from nearby waste bins.

A man was due to be sentenced at Salisbury Magistrates Court last Thursday (May 23) for the model centre burglary but he failed to attend.

The court issued a warrant for the arrest of Tony James Hewlett, 52, of Blackthorn Way, Staverton, who is known locally as Tony Bones.

Hewlett was due to be sentenced for a burglary at Dunks Specialist Model Centre on May 7, plus three other charges of driving while disqualified, driving without insurance, and drug driving on September 25 2023.