The Wiltshire service that helps young people involved in or at risk of offending behaviour has received a rating of 'Good' after inspectors found it places children “at the centre” of its work.

Wiltshire’s Youth Justice Service (YJS) is made up of staff from a range of organisations including Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police and the Probation Service.

The YJS works with children at risk of entering the Criminal Justice System as well as helping change the behaviour of those who have already committed offences.

Also supporting those affected by crime, the staff and volunteers have been deemed “excellent ambassadors for the children they support.”

The inspectors reported: “Individualised interventions, supported by a trauma-informed approach, ensure that children’s diversity needs are understood well, and that measures are put in place to help them flourish.

“Staff and volunteers are, without doubt, the organisation’s most valuable assets.

“They are optimistic and nurture a ‘can do’ attitude with children.”

Cllr Peter Hutton, portfolio holder for safeguarding, said: “Inspectors also noted that Wiltshire Council is the only local authority in the UK currently to have a fifth category for child protection, ‘risk outside the home’.

“This aligns with our council business plan focussing on prevention to tackle these issues head on, and we can see that providing early support is making a positive difference.”