THE prospective buyer of the Castle Street shopping centre in Trowbridge is being offered the chance to take over the town's multi-storey car park in St Stephen’s Place.

Commercial property auctioneers Acuitus hope to sell the shopping centre in an online public auction on Wednesday, December 13 after two previous attempts failed in May and September.

The company has just added a note to the Lot 16 listing, saying Wiltshire Council is open to talks about transferring the St Stephen’s Place car park to the buyer, if one comes forward, following the sale.

The note says: "Wiltshire Council have confirmed a willingness to have discussions with the purchaser of the shopping centre on the potential transfer St Stephens Car Park.

“This statement has been supplied by Wiltshire Council and is in no way connected to the sale of Castle Place Shopping Centre nor the vendor of this property.”

Wiltshire Times: St Stephen's Place car park has been labelled a disgrace by some but remains free to use.St Stephen's Place car park has been labelled a disgrace by some but remains free to use. (Image: Antonio Piazza)

The council may have made the offer to "sweeten" a sale to a prospective buyer after the guide price was increased from £400,000 to £450,000.

The 446-space multi-storey built in 1974 has long been a thorn in the council’s side as there is a covenant on the car park for the benefit of local businesses.

 It was later developed to help the general population of Trowbridge and allows residents to use it free of charge.

Cllr Phil Alford, Wiltshire Council's Cabinet Member for Strategic Assets, said: “The Council are considering the future of the multi-storey car park and its role in ensuring improvements to that part of the town.

"Indeed, the emerging Local Plan identifies the Castle Place Shopping Centre and car park jointly as an Area of Opportunity and proposes that redevelopment and public realm improvements in these locations will be supported.

"We want to make intended purchasers aware that consolidation of the ownership is an option if this improves the chance of private investment in the area. At this stage all we are doing is exploring options, nothing more.”

The council added that if the car park is transferred into new ownership the covenant would be subject to negotiation with the new owner.

But a Wiltshire and town councillor says that the free parking in the multi-storey is the lifeblood of Trowbridge's local economy.

He says that if the car park is transferred to new ownership and parking charges are introduced it could badly damage town centre trade.

Cllr Antonio Piazza, who launched a petition in 2020 to keep the car park free of charge, said: “I would be surprised if someone wanted to buy it. A lot of work needs to be done to it.

"To generate that lost expenditure there would need to be some kind of income stream and they would need to charge for it.

“The covenant was put in place for the people of Trowbridge, and to boost trade in the town centre.

“Hopefully, it will remain free of charge because it would be extremely damaging to the High Street and the town centre if charges were to be introduced. It would finish it off.”

Wiltshire Times: Rough sleepers frequently camp out on the car park's upper levels.Rough sleepers frequently camp out on the car park's upper levels. (Image: Glenn Phillips)

St Stephen’s Place car park has been run down in recent years, described as being badly lit, smelly and dirty and labelled a “disgrace” by some users.

The multi-storey is a magnet for some rough sleepers who frequently camp out in the upper levels.

It also acts as a prime location for anti-social behaviour by alcohol and drug addicts and substance misusers.

Work has taken place in the last few months to remove graffiti on walls and clean up locations in the stairwells where people have relieved themselves.