Bars and clubs in Trowbridge should be safer places to enjoy in the future thanks to a new charter.

The town's council has adopted a charter aimed at making the town centre safer for people enjoying the night-time economy.

The Safety at Night Charter was approved at a meeting of the Trowbridge Town Council Neighbourhood Services committee.

The charter has been introduced by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon in partnership with Wiltshire Police, Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council.

It is helping to make Wiltshire safer and is not just limited to bars, pubs and restaurants.

It applies to any organisation, establishment or venue which operates in the evening and night-time economy including cinemas, gyms, theatres and public transport. 

Wiltshire Times: Trowbridge Town Council has adopted the Safety at Night Charter aimed at making the town's night-time economy safer for residents and visitors.Trowbridge Town Council has adopted the Safety at Night Charter aimed at making the town's night-time economy safer for residents and visitors. (Image: Wiltshire Council)

Cllr Antonio Piazza, who proposed the motion, said: “This will ultimately make The Civic Centre in Trowbridge a safer place for our residents in the town through working with Wiltshire Police, Trowbridge Police, and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon.

“Local organisations, establishments, and venues that operate in the night-time economy can also sign up to the Safer Nights Charter and receive the support that they need to help us create safer environments when residents are out in Trowbridge during the evening and night-time.”

By signing up to the charter, they are agreeing to fulfil these pledges:

Responsibility: The safety of people in the night-time economy is everyone’s responsibility. Together, they are changing their culture to call out behaviours which are disrespectful and cause harm.

Champion: They will appoint a ‘Champion’ for night safety who can give other staff advice and support. They will communicate with their local Neighbourhood Policing Team to network and share best practice.

Report and Respond: They will create policies, train their staff, actively use initiatives such as Ask for Angela and other tools provided.

Support: Create an environment where both your staff and the public feel comfortable and confident to report incidents.

Environment: They will conduct a review of their spaces and ensure that they are designed to promote a safer environment and reduce crime. Ensure their CCTV is working properly, complete access audits of their buildings and ensure staff and security are positioned equally throughout their spaces.

Cllr Piazza added: “I would encourage all venues and organisations operating within the night-time economy to adopt the Safer Nights Charter in Trowbridge.”

Click here to sign up to the charter. 

For more information, click here