A popular café in Trowbridge has closed for the last time amid emotional scenes and with scores of its loyal customers threatening to boycott any replacement.

The Bay Tree Café closed on Saturday when the management of Trowbridge Garden Centre decided not to renew the license agreement when it expired at the end of this month.

The move means nine staff and owner Carol Warner have lost their jobs unless they wish to apply to work in the café that will replace it.

Wiltshire Times: Caz’s notice at Trowbridge Garden Centre. Photo: Trevor Porter70022-2Caz’s notice at Trowbridge Garden Centre. Photo: Trevor Porter70022-2 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Mrs Warner said: “We had more than 150 people in, the café was just packed. Everybody was crying. It was just amazing.

“I was really surprised at how many people came in. I just could not get over it. It was packed outside and inside.

“They even got me crying when they sang 'Auld Lang Syne' and 'We’ll Meet Again'. I have never seen anything like it.

“Some of the customers were giving my girls farewell cards with £50 tips inside. It was really overwhelming.

“I have really been trying to find a place in and around Trowbridge to move the café to but there is just nothing. Hopefully, something will turn up. I will just keep looking.

“I will try my best to find something for my girls because they are all local and some of them don’t drive.”

Chris Wilde, manager of the Trowbridge Garden Centre, said the company intends to open its own café in the autumn as part of ongoing investment in improvements.

In a company statement, he said: “The Bay Tree Café will be closing on these premises when its current license agreement expires at the end of July 2023. 

“Trowbridge Garden Centre have been in consultation with the management of the Bay Tree Café since February this year. 

“They have been informed that a new license agreement will not be available and that we would like to work together to minimise disruption to both businesses.  

“During autumn 2023 a new café, with a fresh look will be opened under the direct management of Trowbridge Garden Centre. 

"This is the latest phase in our development programme which has already seen a refurbishment of the retail areas.

“Everyone at the Garden Centre wishes to thank Carol and her team for all their hard work over the last 11 years and wish them every success with their future projects.”