Families in a Wiltshire town struggling to find the money to pay for school uniform are being offered help.

It comes as one Devizes mum spoke out about her struggle to afford branded uniform during the cost of living crisis - and claimed children are being bullied if they don't wear it.

She told her story as part of a campaign launched by anti-poverty charity the Trussell Trust.

“My son’s school allows unbranded uniform," she said. "But there’s bullying because of it, and the specific colour and style of jumper, for example, was still expensive.

“Shoes also cost a lot. There’s some pre-loved uniform, but not in the right sizes. I was told I wasn’t eligible for any support and I had to take out a benefit advance on my Universal Credit to get my kids school uniform, which I’m now paying back.”

The woman's son attends St Joseph's Catholic Primary School in Devizes.

Assistant head teacher of the school Gemma Payne said: “Recently we have addressed this issue at the school by making some changes to our policy and suppliers. We now work with a new local supplier for our branded school uniform. This means we can offer our school uniform at a more cost-effective price.

“To save purchasing the branded school jumpers, we allow the use a navy-coloured jumper purchased elsewhere.

“We were lucky enough to get funding to purchase an embroidered hoodie for every student at the school, which is given to them free of charge, saving them the need to purchase this item for PE.

“The PTA also runs each term a  ‘used and second-hand’ uniform sale and we offer used items of school uniform to the local Devizes ‘swap shop’ scheme.

“If any student finds that purchasing a school uniform is still difficult, we would be open to working with them to find a way forward and overcome this obstacle.”

The campaign is being pushed by Devizes community organiser, who is employed by the Trussell Trust Alex Montegriffo.

Alex urged families at Devizes School and Sixth Form to get in touch because “it is a school known to be more expensive, with blazers costing £34.50-£44 for example”.

Vice principal at Devizes School Ben Cave said in response: “If any parent feels they are in an appropriate position to receive help they can make contact with the school then of course we then help those parents out.

“We are working both with local community charities who are looking to put a second-hand shop together and we do regularly reach out to parents.

“We are always looking for them to donate items of uniform and the only branded items that are actually required are the tie and the blazer.”

Any parents struggling with uniform costs can email alex@devizesanddistrict.foodbank.org.uk for advice