There are calls on Bradford on Avon Town Council to “end any further delays” on progressing a one-way solution to its chronic traffic problems.

Chippenham MP Michelle Donelan has urged the town council to agree to funding two-thirds of the £50,000 cost of Wiltshire Council modelling a series of options to provide a long-term solution.

The modelling could take up to six months to complete.

At its full council meeting on January 10, the town council agreed unanimously to commit to setting aside £25,000 – just 50 per cent of the cost and not the £33,333 requested.

It wants a final decision on whether to spend the money to come back to its full council, whose next meeting is on Tuesday, March 7.

A frustrated Miss Donelan said: “I am now urging the town council to end any further delays on progressing a one-way system, by agreeing the offer on the table from Wiltshire Council.

“This would allow a scheme to reduce the town’s traffic and congestion issues to actually move forward, but with the modelling to ensure it works for areas like Newtown. 

“Wiltshire Council have agreed to fund one-third of the cost of modelling needed to progress a one-way system to the next stage, with the town council contributing the other two-thirds.

“This offer is in line with other towns and villages in the county like Lacock and Marlborough, who have also needed traffic surveys.

“Progress on a one-way scheme cannot move forward without an agreement, so local residents are stuck without progress and the traffic problems remain.

“This is something I have been pushing for progress on for years and the town council's decision is causing further delays on delivering a solution for Bradford on Avon.

“Whilst no scheme will eliminate congestion altogether, a permanent one-way system would make a significant difference to traffic levels, improve pedestrian safety with wider pavements and reduce the impact on the environment.

“Some changes are needed to the temporary one way scheme based on resident concerns, and so that is why the modelling is important. 

“We now need this to move forward so I would urge the town council to get on and agree to the offer on the table.”

More than 24,000 vehicles a day pass through Bradford on Avon, causing congestion, delays and air pollution, as well as jeopardising the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

The town council is seeking a meeting with Wiltshire Council’s new cabinet member for highways, Cllr Caroline Thomas, who also sits on Marlborough Town Council.

Its members are looking for a commitment from the county that traffic solutions will actually be implemented once the modelling is complete.

The town’s mayor, Cllr Katie Vigar said: “Wiltshire Council has assured us that if the town council agrees to pay two-thirds of the modelling costs, that the town council will be fully involved in setting out the specification for the modelling and then consulting on the results and recommending what results should go forward.

“This will be the best opportunity for everyone to have their say. After that, it will be a case of the money being found to implement whatever has been agreed.”

Town resident Tessa Edgcombe said: “The traffic consultation indicated that a large number of those that responded wanted a one-way type solution.

“Obviously, not all BoA residents are keen on this and have emailed the new county councillor in charge of transport, street scene and flooding.

“Hopefully, the modelling will produce some helpful solutions but it can’t be assumed that if a one-way system of some kind is one of those, that will be adopted.”