Warminster Town Council has voted to freeze its part of council tax for 2023/24.

For a band D property this is £212.82, it was decided at a full council meeting on January 16.

But council tax overall will almost certainly be going up, with Wiltshire Council, the Wiltshire & Swindon Police and Crime Commissioner and the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority all setting their own figures.

Warminster mayor Cllr Chris Robbins said: “All councillors are very conscious of the financial problems facing most people after three of the most turbulent years in modern times.

“An inflation rate increase would have added another £22 or so onto people’s bills, so we have protected them from that.  The council remains in a strong financial position to continue with delivering its existing services and activities.”

Cllr Robbins added: “We have been fortunate to have received money from the Community Infrastructure Levy, from grants and from the Dewey Trust that has enabled us to deliver some projects at minimal cost to the Council Tax payer.

“In 2022 the major example was the splashpad, a huge success and a great asset for the town. It has also boosted sales at the Pavilion Café.”

“We are fortunate that the council has been protected by having long term fixed rates deals on its energy supplies. We will continue to seek out value for money and provide quality services in the year ahead.”

Councillors approved the recommendation for a 2023/24 precept of £1,338,548. This represents a precept increase of £19,256 – a rise of 1.46 per cent - to maintain a balanced budget.

But the tax base in Warminster has increased by 1.1 per cent because of people occupying the new homes that have been built so the overall effect of the 1.46 per cent rise was mitigated.

In Westbury, the town council increased its precept for 2023-2024 by 1.81 per cent for a Band D equivalent property. This means a Band D property will pay an extra £4 per annum.

A spokesperson said: “The town council has worked hard to identify savings for the coming year, and this is shown in the low increase, despite rising costs and inflation.

“However, a small increase is still required to cover rising costs, for example utilities, stationery, and community support."