Dunns Lane Car Park will be extended to ease congestion in Castle Combe.

The car park expansion is Wiltshire Council’s answer to the rise in illegal parking and congestion in the village but there is not a set date for the development.

In Wiltshire Council’s new draft budget it says: “Investment of £0.325m has been added to the programme to extend Dunns Lane Car Park, Castle Combe.

“The existing car park has reached capacity and is unable to meet demand.

“The forecast additional income from the extending the car park will cover the capital financing costs and generate a saving for the council.”

However, Castle Combe Parish Council argue the introduction of parking charges at the end of September rather than a shortage of spaces is the root of the traffic problems.

Parish Council Chairman Fredrick Winup said: “The proposed extension is an expensive solution to a problem which need not exist and will not remove the risks to the public, which have increased substantially since the introduction of charging.

“There is only one route from the car park to the village, down a steep funnelled hill which is shared in both directions by cars, cyclists, delivery vehicles and pedestrians, many of whom are foreign and unfamiliar with our roads.

“The number of vehicles parked on the hill into the village has increased exponentially since charging began in October and we are still in the winter months.

“The result is gridlock with vehicles taking up to 45 minutes to make the short journey to enter and exit the village.

“This includes emergency vehicles which have been unable to access the village centre.

“Wiltshire Council has been unable to identify any other town or village with a similar level of risk yet has refused point-blank to commission an independent risk assessment.

“It is our belief that their refusal to do is in the knowledge that the result would clearly demonstrate that charging should be suspended until such time as the risks to the public have been eliminated.”

Wiltshire Council cabinet member for transport Caroline Thomas said in response: “We recognise the long-running parking and safety concerns in Castle Combe, and the introduction of parking charges last year has allowed us to fund this major investment in the extension of the car park and increase the enforcement visits in the village. 

“We have also been working with the Parish Council to agree additional traffic management measures in the village which are programmed for delivery next month. "