THE chief constable of Wiltshire Police will retire from the force after a 30-year career.

Kier Pritchard will step down in June 2023.

He became chief constable in March 2018, just as Salisbury declared a major incident following a Novichok attack.

But recently, the force has been plagued by controversy. In July this year, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) placed Wiltshire Police in special measures due to concerns about the force's ability to protect vulnerable people and repeat victims of crime, and the way the county's policing organisation manages its money and resources.

Inspectors found that some domestic abuse victims have continued to remain at risk and that Wiltshire Police doesn’t always follow all leads in investigations.

Wiltshire Times: Wiltshire Police chief constable Kier PritchardWiltshire Police chief constable Kier Pritchard (Image: Wiltshire Police)

Mr Pritchard has held the position of Detective in each rank, culminating in leading the force response to major and serious crime as the Detective Chief Superintendent between 2011 and 2014, where he also held national responsibilities through the Homicide Working Group.

As the chair of the Local Resilience Forum in the county, Mr Pritchard has guided partner agencies and the force through the challenges of many major incidents, including the policing response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said: “I have served with Wiltshire Police for my entire career. The opportunity to lead this force as chief has been the greatest privilege of my professional career.

"It really has been an honour serving the communities of Wiltshire. This county is very close to my heart.

"It is my home, it is where my family have grown up, and it is also where I followed in the footsteps of my late father in joining Wiltshire Police at the age of 19 in 1993. Taken together, we have provided over 60 years of continued public service.

"It has always been my intention to retire at 30 years' service so that I can look to the next stage of my life with my family. At this point I will have served as Chief Constable in Wiltshire for over five years."

The HMICFRS report graded eight areas of policing – finding that three were inadequate and five require improvement.

Another inspection in August found that, while there some areas of effective practice in child protection, on the whole Wiltshire Police "wasn’t providing a good enough response to effectively safeguard children", that "the force’s response to missing children isn’t good enough" and "some crimes, abuse and child welfare concerns are not being identified when they should be".

Mr Pritchard said: "I remain fully committed to leading the force between now and my departure in 2023.

"There is still a great deal to do as we seek to deliver service-wide improvements arising from the recent HMICFRS PEEL inspection programme.

"Whilst solid progress is being made, I remain resolutely focused on continuing with our programme of improvement and supporting the Police and Crime Commissioner in the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan."

Mr Pritchard continued: "Policing is such a rewarding and unique career. Each and every day I am inspired by what my officers, staff and volunteers do to serve and protect our communities and I am incredibly proud of their achievements.

"I would like to thank the public and our partners for their continued support for policing in our county – and I would also like to thank those who I have served alongside over the years, together with those who will go on to continue to serve the public of Wiltshire in the future.”

The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for the recruitment of the next chief constable. More information about Mr Pritchard's replacement will follow in the coming weeks.