Plans for 37 new homes in Trowbridge have been submitted to Wiltshire Council.

The homes would be built on fields north of Devizes Road, Hilperton but the plans already face rising opposition.

The site is beside the Devizes Road roundabout which would have a new arm added to access the development.

A large stable would also be demolished to make way for the houses.

There are to be a mix of two, three and four-bedroom homes which will be two-storey buildings, of which 11 are to be affordable housing.

In addition, 74 car park spaces are proposed.

The new arm of the roundabout will lead into the estate with cul-de-sacs trailing off it.

But Trowbridge resident Siobhan Chown commented on the plans saying: “I object to these plans. This would seem to be a gateway into a vast and unsustainable development of the land North of this site and between Hilperton and Semington.

She added: “It is well known that we are facing a climate emergency and therefore everything should be done to mitigate any further damage to our environment.”

However, electric vehicle charging points are planned for every house.

Short pedestrian and cycle paths through the houses are also planned.

The application also says there are protected species on the site including bats so there will be bird and bat boxes, and “hedgehog highways”.

There will also be a pond to support a range of wetland plants, dragonflies, amphibians and to provide food for the birds and bats.

The site has an approximate area of 1.77 ha and is within 1.6km of the closest convenience store.

A primary school and community centre are accessible by foot in around 20 minutes from the site.

Plans say the roofs will be made of interlocking slate grey and dark red roof tiles.

The windows will be double-glazed and coloured white, grey and cream and doors will be a variety of colours too.

The scheme also includes an avenue of trees along the main access road.

The plans conclude: “A provision of a mix of 37 new homes does reflects the aspiration of local needs.

"The appearance and architectural aesthetic of the proposed dwellings is appropriate to the local area and presents an opportunity to significantly retain open space to enhance local biodiversity.”

Developers Redcliffe Homes Limited submitted the application and the deadline for the consultation is January 12 next year.

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