A Wiltshire householder caused traffic chaos this morning by staging a one-man protest over the poor condition of the B3105 road through Staverton.

George Braham parked a white van outside his home with a notice attached to the front window screen.

The notice said: “This vehicle is parked here due to poor road condition. Please call 0300 456 0105 Ref: B3105 so that it can be moved sooner.”

The parked vehicle blocked one carriageway and caused traffic chaos and delays in every direction as motorists tried to get around it during the busy morning rush hour.

Two police vehicles could be seen parked next to it as officers tried to calm motorists eager to get to work on time.

Mr Braham is not immediately available for comment. The Wiltshire Times is trying to make contact with him.

His near-neighbour Patrick Godfrey, who also complained about the road’s condition back in August, said: “George parked the van there on Friday.

“It’s been there all weekend but obviously there was no great volume of traffic at the weekend.

“But today was interesting because there was far more traffic. People were beeping their horns. It was a lovely atmosphere.

“There were two police vehicles there and officers managed to get the keys from his sister and moved the vehicle onto his driveway.”

Mr Godfrey had previously complained to Wiltshire Council about the state of the road which is continually being repaired.

He described the antics of workmen outside his front door as a “real pantomime” after they repeatedly dug up and filled in the same hole at least ten times.

Mr Godfrey, of the Grade 11-listed The Old Wesleyan Chapel in Staverton, said the roadworks have created a ramp that causes vibration from passing traffic.

“The repair work, once again temporary and sub-standard, has resulted in even greater vibrations through my house when traffic passes by.

“The vibration rattles the windows and shakes the house. My double-glazed windows have all popped because of it.”

He has accused the Wiltshire Council highways team of “incompetence” and says if they worked in the private sector someone would lose their job.

“But we seem to have to endure this, without any rectification and without redress from those responsible,” he added.