HUNDREDS of people have followed two scarecrow trails around Holt to raise funds for village organisations and the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.

They have been asked to locate and identify 50 main trail scarecrows of Famous E's and 20 children's trail ‘Royal’ clues on a smaller route.

The organisers wanted to recognise the Queen’s Jubilee but with many organisations using the theme Royal she adopted E for Elizabeth.

Spokesperson Lisa Wickes said: “This is our 10th year of the scarecrow trail, which is taking place from August 27 to 31, and goes all round the village.

“The event has been better than last year’s and the weather has been absolutely amazing.

“The theme E’s has really worked and it’s given us real scope. It’s been a real success for our scarecrow trail competition."

Last year’s trails raised more than £3,000 for the Holt Pre-school Appeal. This year’s trails will be split 50/50 between the Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Holt village organisations.

Main trail and children’s trail maps at £5 and £2 each respectively are available from the Holt Superstore and Wild Herb at The Field Kitchen at the Glove Factory Studios. They have been sponsored by Crescent Mortgages.