As weathermen warn Wiltshire to prepare for Storm Eunice on Friday, urgent advice has been issued to the county’s dog-owners for how to protect their pets from the gale.

Dog experts say owners of scared mutts should turn up the telly to cover the noise until the storm has passed.

The Met Office says Eunice is set to give Wiltshire a battering – with winds gusting up to 80mph causing the risks of power cuts and “a danger to life”. The forecasters say the storm could cause “significant disruption” and Wiltshire residents should brace themselves for roofs being blown away.

“There is a small chance that flying debris will result in a danger to life, with fallen trees, damage to buildings and homes, roofs blown off and power lines brought down,” said the Met Office.

But few residents consider how the storm could affect their pets. Charlotte Huggins, canine behaviour officer at the Dogs Trust, which has a branch in Marlborough, says Eunice may make dogs’ lives a misery and their owners should prepare for it.

 “Extreme weather can be distressing for dogs,” said Charlotte.

“Signs to look out for include pacing around the home, excessive barking, or trying to run and hide.”

She added: “But there are steps owners can take to comfort their dog and help them cope if their dogs are becoming anxious. If you’re worried about the weather, keep your dog indoors as much as possible.” 

The trust also advises:

Make sure your dog has enjoyable things to do indoors to keep them stimulated, such as a toy filled with food or a long-lasting chew.

Play games or practice reward-based training with your dog.

Close the curtains, turn lights on and turn up the volume on your TV or radio.

Make sure your house and garden are secure, in case your dog tries to run away if they are scared.

Provide a safe hiding place – for example, a comfy bed under a table with blankets which will make it cosy and help with soundproofing.

If your dog wants to hide, allow them to stay where they feel safe .

If you can head out safely, always keep your dog on a lead .

Stay out of flood water as it may contain raw sewage and toxins and other hazards that could injure your dog. 

 For more information and advice visit