ENVIRONMENTAL consultant Caroline Roofe swept the board at the 60th Winsley Show to win the Colbourne Challenge Cup for scoring the most points.

Husband and wife Bleddyn and Jane Griffiths scored a double success by taking home the Buckland Challenge Cup for the highest number of points in the vegetable section, and the Turleigh & Winsley WI Cup- for the most outstanding marmalade or jelly.

Another family who tasted success at this year's show were the Heaton family; with Cassie Heaton's Dahlias trouncing the usual winners with a fine display of blooms and winning the much-coveted Carlisle Cup.

Their daughter Brin Heaton was presented with the Buckland Shield for the most outstanding handicraft exhibit, a model of a shed, and the Gwynne-Brown Cup for a beautifully-embroidered jacket.

As always, the baking and home crafts section was hotly contested with Peter Jobson taking the honours and the Jean Bowles Cup for an outstanding Victoria sandwich.

The young person's section was well represented this year with Johnny Kidney’s son Wilf taking home The Cynthia Warner cup for Most Outstanding Young Person Exhibit and daughter Grace winning The Sun Flower cup for the best sunflower head.

Also worthy of mention is Beatrice Mcilwrath who won the Sun Cup for the largest sunflower head.

The presentations took place at Winsley Village Hall in the afternoon following judging earlier in the day.

The schedule of classes covered flowers, fruit and vegetables, handicrafts and homecrafts, and a young person’s section for 14 years and under.

Organiser David Ecob said: “It was a very good show. We had around 320 exhibits from about 100 people and raised £300 for local charities and organisations.

“The quality and quantity of entries was as strong as last year, which was also a very good year."

Around 275 villagers browsed the entries and admission was free but donations were thankfully received.