A WILTSHIRE youngster has celebrated her sixth birthday by completing her first Lidl Tough Mudder South West challenge in memory of her dad.

Darcey Turner-Williams completed one lap of the one-mile course on the Badminton House estate on Saturday, August 21.

She’s helped to raise a massive £11,359 for the national mental health charity MIND in memory of her late father Lee Turner who died in 2019.

Mum Louise Williams said: “Darcey was the youngest one there. Since losing her dad she has had big struggles coming to terms with her grief so today was an amazing achievement.”

Darcey, who goes to The Mead Primary School in Hilperton, said: “It was really good fun. It was hard at first but then it was easy at the end.”

Mr Turner, 34, a software manager, lost his battle with mental health issues on October 4, 2019, the day after his youngest child’s first birthday.

His passing left his fiancée Miss Williams to care for their two daughters, Darcey and Charlotte, now aged two.

Louise, 37, of Rodsley Walk, Castle Mead, Trowbridge, said: “On October 4, 2019, my world changed forever.

“My wonderful, beautiful, kind and love of my life fiancée, devoted and adored father of our two beautiful little girls, Lee Turner finally lost his battle with mental health.

“Lee suffered with mental health issues so MIND is very close to our hearts. Lee also raised money for them prior to his death and I also did the Jurassic Coast Marathon in his memory in May.

“Lee had struggled with his mental health for many years; despite his every intention to overcome them, he was up against a mental health system already under huge strain so MIND provide enhancements to the system in place.

“Lee was determined to overcome his mental health issues, alongside many other personal battles he was dealing with, and had a passion to help others using his own experiences and compassion towards others.”

Miss Williams has launched Lee’s Lasting Legacy fundraising campaign in her partner’s memory because MIND has been very supportive of the family.

“I am raising money so that MIND can continue to provide their services to people suffering from mental illness in times of need, and most importantly, crisis. No one should have to ever reach crisis point to access professional help.

“Many of the donations we have received have come from prisoners at young offenders’ prisons all over the country.

“A lot of the prisoners suffer from mental health problems, so our fundraising campaign has reached out to them.

“Darcey wanted to do some fundraising herself, so she has made a significant contribution towards it. I am very proud of her.”

The Tough Mudder event offered 15k, 10k, 5k and a one-mile muddy adventure course for youngsters over two days on August 21 and 22 on the Badminton Estate in South Gloucestershire, with up to 30 obstacles to overcome on the Classic longer course.

To donate visit justgiving.com/fundraising/louise-williams87

Find out more about the charity at mind.org.uk

For urgent mental health support a 24/7 response line can be accessed on 0800 953 1919 for anyone who may be worried about their own or someone else’s mental health.