STAFF and volunteers at a Alzheimer's Support dementia day club raised £800 in less than two weeks – by posting daily videos of themselves dancing on TikTok.

The team at Old Silk Works Club in Warminster were determined to buy a digital jukebox for the day club after their sister club in Trowbridge was given one in memory of longtime member Betty McEntee.

Betty’s family knew how much music meant to her and how much club members would love being able to choose and hear their favourite tunes on such an eye-catching piece of furniture.

Old Silk Works Club manager Lou Gover said: “We knew we wanted one too and so decided to fundraise.

"As it was all about music, posting short videos of us dancing at work in all our PPE seemed the way to go.

"We have had so much support for the Tiktokathon with people looking to see the next one each day and can’t believe how quickly people got behind us and donated."

"We are so grateful to everyone who gave. We actually raised more than our target so we can buy plenty of CDs too.”

Old Silk Works is run by Wiltshire charity Alzheimer’s Support which posted the videos on its Facebook page.

Stephany Bardzil, the charity’s head of communications and fundraising, said: “It was an amazing effort by Lou and the team who came in to work early each day to do this.

"Watching the dances brightened many people’s days and the jukebox, when it arrives, will have pride of place at Old Silk Works, just as Betty’s jukebox does at Mill Street Club in Trowbridge.

"It is like an extra memorial to her, and lovely that her legacy will live on in music in Warminster too.”

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