More than 130 tractors of all shapes and sizes rolled out on a cold, sunny Sunday for a festive tinsel spectacular that had people cheery and waving in the streets.

The event - to raise money for two charities - was organised by Devizes Young Farmers.

It all went without a hitch, with only one tractor breaking down, until the convoy reached Marlborough.

A lone protestor parked his car across the High Street forcing the a number of tractors to do a U turn.

"There was some pretty fancy three point turning going on," said Harry Stokes, Devizes young farmers chairman.

"I'm not sure why he was protesting, but we didn't want to make a scene, so we just turned around.

"It was such a great day. The best thing about it was that we could see people in their driveways and on the streets all the way from when we started in Devizes.

"Farmers don't often get a cheer!" he added.

The tour began at T H Whites in Devizes at 10.30 am, passing through Pewsey, Rushall and Oare to a pit stop at St John’s School, organised by St John's pupils.

Then it went to West Kennet, then turned up over Tan Hill to Stanton St Bernard and back to Devizes.

"It is the first time we have done anything like this," said Harry.

"We wanted to raise money for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance, but also for Motor Neurone Disease. some of us have had family members with this disease, and we felt it was a good charity to support.

"We have had such great feedback for the drive - we had tractors come from across Wiltshire to take part. Possibly even further.

"We will definitely be thinking of doing it all again next year.

This is the first time Devizes Young Farmers have organised such an event. They have already raised £7,750 - busting their target of £2000. And they are still counting all the donations made en route. The Just Giving page will stay open until Christmas.

"It would be amazing if we get to £10k," said Harry.

If you would like to donate visit the Just Giving devizes-youngfarmersclub page.  /