A crowdfunding campaign to raise nearly £45,000 to give children in Trowbridge with free meal vouchers over Christmas has launched. 

The campaign started by Emily Pomroy-Smith and Trowbridge town councillor, Chris Hoar aims to raise £44,880 to help feed the town’s children over the two-week festive break. 

Ms Pomroy-Smith said the appeal was started after she responded to a post on the Spotted Trowbridge Facebook page following the House of Commons vote to reject extending the free school meals scheme into the holidays. 

“I responded saying that I’d love to do something too ‘please feel free to contact me’ and Chris messaged me, and we started from there,” she said. 

“It’s a huge amount of money and when we initially looked at it, we aimed for £20,000 but then we found out how many children in Trowbridge were eligible for free school meals – and it's above the national average. 

“If we set our sights high, we’ll get there, but even if we get a fraction of it, it will still make a big difference.

“We’re going to be pushing it as hard as we can and it's about this community caring about the kids here. 

“Chris and I are behind it; we’ve just set it up, but it’s the community’s campaign it’s not ours.” 

The total amount was calculated based on the value of vouchers given during the summer holidays (£15 per week) and multiplied by the 1,496 children in Trowbridge eligible for free school meals. 

The scheme, however, does not just extend to Trowbridge but those pupils from Southwick, North Bradley and Hilperton who qualify for free school meals. 

The page has so far raised £860 from just 28 supporters and will run until November 23, which will allow the cash to be given out and for schools to buy food vouchers ahead of the Christmas break. 

“We’ve experienced so much anxiety and uncertainty. I’ve felt constantly like I’m holding my breath, just waiting for the next thing to happen,” Emily added. 

“And if we can say to the parents of these children that this is taken care of, it takes the pressure off and it could mean they can get Christmas presents they wouldn’t have been able to.

“It’s about taking that uncertainty away and, hopefully, making it a bit calmer and less stressful over Christmas.” 

Giving an update on the total raised, Cllr Hoar wrote: “We just wanted to say thank you to every one of you. 

“It's been an incredible response considering the page has only been live for a day. 

“From the bottom of our hearts, thank you and please share the word as far and wide as you can. Every single penny will help people!”

If the campaign exceeds its funding goal, the extra cash will be given to the Storehouse Foodbank Trowbridge.

Follow this link for more information and how to donate free meal vouchers for schools 
